Thursday, March 27, 2014

Phantasy Feature: Hot Wheels 2014 Fangster Treasure Hunt

As a fantasy die-cast collector, it's always an overjoyous feeling when the fine folks at Hot Wheels decide to employ a classic unlicensed casting as a modern Treasure Hunt. In 2014, we were lucky enough to receive the superbly menacing Fangster! As part of the 2014 Treasure Hunt series, it has the special 'flame circle' logo stamped right on the rear. If you're like me, then you've heard more times than you care to recall how horrible this casting supposedly is from the strictly muscle car collector segment. Boy... those collectors couldn't be more wrong. Dripping from the metal teeth of the Fangster is a rich past, filled with fond memories from '80s collectors (both young and old). The Fangster made its debut in the superstar-filled 1986 Speed Demons series. It's only seen a handful of releases since then, making the Fangster a rare appearance in a mainline series... much less as a Treasure Hunt. For this release, I'm quite fond of the blazing orange eyes on the dark silvery-blue body. It makes the reptilian face really pop! As a child, the original Fangster was one of the first Hot Wheels I can recall purchasing with my own money. I'm glad the casting is still alive and well. If you happen to know whom designed the Fangster, leave a comment below. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. There are 2 bases and solid and smoke wheels on this release. Larry Wood designed it.:D

